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May 24, 204

Vibrational Physics Class

Zoom Online Class


Join us as we discover the basic foundational knowledge of our vibrational energy field surrounding you, which holds all knowledge about you… your energies and energies from others and the affects. Allowing negative aspects to intrude, results in dis-ease and emotional disruption in our lives. A whole, healthy being allows only positive aspects in their essence; living a life of spiritual centeredness and balance.


Sat • May 24, 2024 • 9AM - 4PM • 

Or call to register:

Leilani Graham @ 480.243.3010 (Arizona)

Rachel Atkins @ 907.310.6873 (Alaska Only)

Vibrational Physics Class

  • In this class we will explore the basic foundational knowledge of our vibrational energy field surrounding you, which holds all knowledge about you… your energies and energies from others and the affects. Allowing negative aspects to intrude, resulting in dis-ease and emotional disruption in our lives. A whole, healthy being allows only positive aspects in their essence; living a life of spiritual centeredness and balance.


    The truest vibration of the universe is ecstasy. Though it’s through pain that we experience separation from God, it’s in the triumphant return to him where we grow the most.

    We’ve not only been taught that feeling good is bad, we’ve been taught to actively block joy. Through the media we watch, the food we eat, the medication we’re taking, feeling depressed is force-fed to us, and not only subliminally. Most don’t even realize we have been programed from childhood into our adulthood.


  • Appointment Reschedule:  I require at least a 48 hour notice to reschedule your appointment. I appreciate you!



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